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TITLE; Bawak Kiki pegi vaksin
03 March 2013 | 10:12 AM | 0 comments

This entry I'm using I because suddenly I think I want to used it rite now. haha.

Hari tu I pegi petshop nak suntik vaksin untuk kucing I. so lepas hantar adik pegi asrama, mak bawak I pegi petshop. and yea, Kiki follow as well. then I sampai la dekat petshop dekat jalan kuching tu. time tu hujan. bile aku sampai dalam tu I mintak cikgu (dulu die cikgu, sekarang owner kedai kucing) tu suntik kan Kiki. die cakap tunggu 5 minit sebab Kiki dalam keadaan biasekan diri sekarang. okay whatever. then die angkat kiki. one of his worker pegang kiki then spray Kiki with what ever that I didnt know. then he ask my mom,

Owner : ni 1st time suntik ye? ade suntik ubat cacing tak? 
Mom : ye,tp hari tu ade ambik ubat cacing, mase die kecik.

then die tak cakap pape pon. then suddenly he said Kiki ade cacing dalam badan, dats y her fur macam kene electric shock. Oh okayy. pastu die tanye,

Owner : nak spray kutu tak?
Mom : Erm, tak kot

and then we remain silent. means we didn't want. so lepastu I rase maybe die suntik Kiki, I tak pandang pon. sebab takot ;'( . then die cakap,

Owner : okay bawak die kat dalam, nak suntik die. takpela kat depan ni pon boleh. okay pegang die and garu die.

dalam hati cakap, aik baru nak suntik. dah tu tadi buat ape kat belakang. okay what ever. lepastu Kiki macam lemah semacam. he said dat Kiki tak boleh mandi seminggu. then bile i nak bayar la, i proceed to the counter. and when I saw the bill, Oh my Lord. RM95? dafuq? I'm asking for vaksin and vitamin ONLY. who the fuck want a Flea and Deworm? then die cakap die bagi diskaun for Vitamin. jumlah asal RM100.

Hey i didn't ask for dat thing pon :( I look at mom. hurm, looks like mom pon a lil bit shock. then I pay with my PT money. mom support RM40. I told to mom that I want to pay sendiri, but mom said 'takpelah, mak support for vitamin' okayy. thanks mom. then bile keluar dari petshop hujan lebat. Kiki tak boleh kene air.

so i payungkan die, lol macam anak kecik pulak. then when I entering car, my mouth keep bebel2.

'Haish, tak pena buat keje gile macam ni. RM95 for cat? Really? '
(I sehabis boleh saving duit PT ni taw tak. Grrr)

memang menyesal gile, cause u know what? I'm not working yet, i just got my PTPTN, i just wasted my money on dat. hurmm takpelah, beside dat I LOVE KIKI. then bile balik rumah Kiki look so doomed. macam lemah sangat, macam nak mati dah. adik i cakap maybe die tak boleh tahan kene suntik banyak kot. tapi mase kene suntik Kiki sikit pon tak melawan. kuat kan die? pastu cikgu tu ade cakap breed Kiki ni. 'Sacred of Birman' search for yourself. its looks like Siamese but more fur.

okayy tu je nak cerite. mahal gile la petshop ni. mnyesal jugak la pegi.

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